Wednesday, September 16, 2015

No Experience Required!

We've all been there. Your day starts early. Maybe you live in the dorms, maybe you're off campus for the first time, or maybe you commute and you're driving a ton. Any way you're busy running around.

Classes obviously, hours of homework, maybe you have a job, maybe you spend what feels like eternity looking for parking, and of course the ever dreaded group projects that seem to last longer than expected even though nothing seems to get done. Then all of a sudden it's late and you've forgotten to eat! So you grab a few chips and stuff a granola bar in your mouth before heading off to we'll say the 'library' to blow off some steam because let's face it you have to maintain some kind of social life other wise you'd go mad! There isn't much time to even think let alone actually take care of yourself.

What if I told you it doesn't have to be that way? That there are dinning hall hacks to eating healthy or even fast-fun ways you could get a home cooked meal even in your dorms?

Now, now I can already hear you saying, "But Kait! My dorm's common area kitchen is too small and too gross, I don't want to spend hours cooking in there I have class and class."

And to that I say! FRESHMAN FIFTEEN IS REAL! choosing a cheeseburger and fries everyday at the dining halls isn't 'classy' it gets boring fast. Keep that attitude up and I'll have you know FM15 is not only exclusive to freshman year, you have the rest of your life to be busy. Plan your meals around work. Make them count.

Now if you knew me, you'd be just smirking right now. "Come on, Kait. You of all people shouldn't be cheeseburger shaming anyone!" BELIEVE ME I'M NOT! I love me anything to do with cheese and if you top it with bacon I may even just bite your hand off.

But I have lived the dorm life my freshman and sophomore years. I did the whole off-campus thing, sharing a kitchen and two small bathrooms with FIVE other girls. Now I'm a bouncing commuter, primarily living at my parent's house in Greece, spending most of my days at school in Brockport, and then ending most nights at my boyfriend's house in Rochester. Along with the amount I spend in gas money every week; finding quick, easy, and mainly affordable ways feed myself has become sort of an exciting hobby.

I know how big the grocery store feels that first shopping trip and that daunting moment when you realize that an economy size box of Pop-Tarts just won't cut it any more. BUT!

You'd be surprised at how little time and effort it takes to make a home cooked meal that won't break the bank. You'll feel a sense of pride as your hall mates beg you to cook for them. When that happens either make some quick cash or send them right back over here!